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The Big Story about Pirates


WARNING: Change to Pirates Class at own your risk and responsibility.

This class has lots of glitches and bugs.

List of Bugs:

1. Some skills are not working

2. Some skills will auto disconnect you

3. All skills are in ????? because it is still in Korean and not translated by Nexon America yet

4. Do not open your ABILITY window when you are playing as a pirate class. It will auto disconnect and boot you out from the game. Use !setall command to manage your stats or change to other jobs to do so.

5. 2nd jobs skills unavailable

6. Attacks shows damage but does not affect on monsters

7. Do not scroll down all the way to the bottom in your skill windows for Viper jobs. You will be kicked out from game.

If you can tolerate these bugs and disconnections, then pirate class are new, unique and fun to play! Check out the screenshots below.

Way of the Dragon

Shiro doing Rasengan!

Fooling around in Ariant Desert

Red Alert meets Maplestory. Air Strike!