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GM Commands


IMPORTANT: Read before asking any questions.

Please do not abuse the GM commands listed here. It's just a reference for all of you GMs. Make sure you clear up the mess after using summoning/event commands

General Commands:

!giftnx "charname" "amount" - give someone NX cash
!spy "charname" - (Tells you mesos, stats, ect.... about the character)
!hide "charname" - (hides the character like a GM hides)
!fame "charname" "How many fame" - (Change's a person's fame)
!speak "charname" "message" - (Make anyone talk)
!speakall "Message" - (the whole channel character will talk according to the message)
!setall "number" - Sets all stats to whatever number you would like it include max hp and mp.
!unban "charname" - unban someone
!heal - set your mp and hp to full
!jobperson "charname" "jobid" - job someone
!item ID - gives your character item of your choice
!killall - kill all monsters
!spawn ID - Spawn monster of your choice. Do not spawn alot! Max: 5
!shop - GM Shop
!cleardrops - Clear rubbish on the floor
!levelup - Levels up your character
!skill ID - Gives you skill of your choice (Job Specific only!)

Goto Commands:

Usage: !goto "map name below"


Miscellaneous Commands:

@cody -open cody anywhere
@storage -open storage anywhere
@spinel -open spinel anywhere
@str -add the amount of str into your stat .Same for @int, luk, dex
@save -save data in game
@scrollshop -open shopshop anywhere pls note:for it to work the selling scroll npcid should be 153 (u can change)
@gms -current gms name
@help -about the server